Who is a Gynecologist?

An obstetrician is a medical doctor who provides health services covering women’s reproductive health, pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. After graduating from medical school, they receive specialist training in gynecology and obstetrics and gain in-depth knowledge and skills in this field. Gynecologist provide consultancy and treatment services on all matters related to women’s sexual and reproductive health. These specialists work in both gynecological (women’s diseases) and obstetrics (birth and prenatal care) fields, providing a wide range of services to protect and improve women’s health. They may also offer specialty healthcare services such as pelvic surgery, infertility treatment, and menopause management.

What Does a Gynecologist Do?

Obstetricians provide a wide range of services related to women’s reproductive health and pregnancy. These specialists provide care to women with routine gynecological exams, pap smear tests, birth control counseling, and other reproductive health-related issues. During pregnancy, obstetricians perform pregnancy follow-up, prenatal care, ultrasonography and necessary tests to monitor the development of the fetus. During birth, gynecologists perform normal birth, cesarean birth and emergency birth interventions. They also provide postpartum care and services to support women’s postpartum recovery process. Obstetricians and gynecologists may also provide specialized health services such as infertility treatment, menopause management and pelvic surgery.

During pregnancy, obstetricians monitor the health of the mother and baby and provide medical interventions when necessary. They ensure the healthy development of the fetus by performing regular check-ups throughout pregnancy. In addition, they manage the health problems that the expectant mother may encounter during pregnancy and apply the necessary treatments to prevent complications that may arise during the pregnancy. During birth, they ensure that mother and baby are born healthy by applying various birth methods such as normal birth and cesarean birth. In the postnatal period, they monitor the health status of the mother and baby and provide the necessary care and treatments.

What can be discussed with a gynecologist?

Various issues can be discussed with the gynecologist. All issues related to women’s health and reproductive health can be discussed with a gynecologist. Issues such as routine gynecological examinations and screening tests, birth control methods and options, sexually transmitted infections, menstrual irregularities and other gynecological problems can be discussed with the specialist. Pregnancy planning and pre-pregnancy counseling, follow-up and care during pregnancy, birth options and postpartum care are among the topics that can be discussed with the gynecologist. Additionally, specific health issues such as infertility evaluation and treatment, menopause management, and pelvic pain can also be discussed with the obstetrician.

You can get detailed information about every stage of the pregnancy process from your gynecologist. Starting from the pre-pregnancy period, it provides information and consultancy about the tests that should be done during pregnancy, ultrasonography results, the baby’s development status and birth planning. It also gives information about what needs to be done to protect the health of the mother and baby in the postpartum period. Issues such as menopause-related problems and treatment options, postpartum recovery process and management of postpartum complications are other important issues that can be discussed with the gynecologist.

What Does an Obstetrician Give You?

An obstetrician offers a variety of benefits to support women’s health and well-being. It protects women’s reproductive health with routine gynecological examinations and screening tests and detects possible health problems early. During pregnancy, the gynecologist provides the necessary care and support to monitor the health of the mother and the baby. During birth, experts ensure a safe and healthy birth process and support the mother’s recovery process with postpartum care. Obstetricians and gynecologists help women achieve their health goals by providing specialized health services such as infertility treatment, birth control methods, and menopause management. Obstetricians provide comprehensive, individualized care to optimize women’s health and well-being.

During pregnancy, the gynecologist closely monitors the health of the mother and baby, diagnoses and manages possible complications early. The development of the fetus is monitored with regular check-ups and ultrasonography, and medical interventions are performed when necessary. During labor, the gynecologist manages the birth process and takes the necessary precautions to protect the health of the mother and the baby. During the postnatal period, the health status of the mother and baby is monitored and necessary care and treatments are provided. The obstetrician also makes recommendations to manage postpartum complications and support the mother’s recovery process.

Which Doctor Should You See for Pre-Pregnancy Counseling?

For pre-pregnancy counseling, you should first consult a gynecologist. An obstetrician is a primary healthcare professional who evaluates the reproductive health of the expectant mother and makes medical recommendations regarding the pregnancy process. The gynecologist evaluates the condition of the uterus and ovaries, menstrual cycle pattern and possible reproductive problems. In addition, it monitors the course of the pregnancy with regular check-ups and ultrasonography during the pregnancy. The gynecologist helps the expectant mother to prepare for the pregnancy process in the best possible way by performing pre-pregnancy health assessment and necessary screening tests.

A family physician is another health professional who can help assess general health status and manage existing health problems. The family doctor collects information about chronic diseases, allergies and regularly used medications and creates the necessary treatment plan. The family physician also plays an important role in managing general health problems that may arise during pregnancy. The family physician has information about the general health status of the expectant mother and provides support to the pregnancy process by making the necessary guidance.

A genetic counselor may be consulted to evaluate genetic risk factors and perform necessary screening tests. If there is a family history of genetic diseases, the genetic counselor evaluates the possibility of passing these diseases to the baby and recommends the necessary tests. Genetic counseling is especially important for older pregnancies or couples who have experienced genetic problems in previous pregnancies. A genetic counselor informs and guides couples about genetic risks and their management.

It is also helpful to meet with a dietitian to get nutrition and lifestyle advice. The dietitian evaluates the eating habits of the expectant mother and recommends the necessary changes. Gaining healthy eating habits supports the healthy development of the baby during pregnancy and maintains the energy levels of the expectant mother. The dietitian creates an appropriate nutrition plan to meet the vitamin and mineral needs of the expectant mother. It also provides diet and exercise recommendations to support healthy weight gain during pregnancy.

A psychologist can be sought for guidance on emotional support and stress management. Pregnancy can be stressful and emotionally challenging for expectant mothers and their partners. Psychological counseling helps make this process more comfortable and offers strategies to cope with the emotional difficulties that may arise during pregnancy. The psychologist supports the emotional health of the expectant mother and her partner, ensuring that the pregnancy process is more peaceful and enjoyable.

As a result, pre-pregnancy counseling is a comprehensive evaluation and information process to ensure that expectant mothers and their partners have a healthy pregnancy. This counseling process, carried out by a healthcare team consisting of various health professionals such as an obstetrician, family physician, genetic counselor, dietitian and psychologist, helps couples optimize their health status before pregnancy, identify potential risks and adopt a healthy lifestyle. This process plays a critical role in protecting the health of mother and baby and preventing possible complications.

What Does a Gynecologist Look at?

Obstetricians provide a wide range of health services covering women’s reproductive health, pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. Here are the main areas that gynecologists are interested in:

Routine Gynecological Examinations: Obstetricians perform regular gynecological examinations to check the health of women’s reproductive organs. These examinations include evaluation of reproductive organs such as the uterus, ovaries, and vagina. Pap smear tests are an important screening test to detect cervical cancer early and are part of routine gynecological examinations.

Birth Control Counseling: Obstetricians offer counseling about various birth control methods. It helps women choose the most appropriate birth control method and provides information about the use of these methods. Provides information about a variety of options, including hormonal birth control methods, intrauterine devices (IUDs), barrier methods, and natural family planning.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI): Obstetricians play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Early diagnosis and treatment of STIs helps prevent serious health problems. STI tests can be performed during routine gynecological examinations and appropriate treatment methods are determined.

Menstrual Irregularities: Gynecologists investigate the causes of menstrual cycle irregularities and recommend appropriate methods for the treatment of these problems. Problems such as menstrual complaints, excessive bleeding, painful menstrual periods and amenorrhea are evaluated and treated by experts.

Pregnancy Follow-up and Prenatal Care: During pregnancy, obstetricians perform regular check-ups to monitor the health of the mother and the baby. Prenatal care is important to assess the health status of the expectant mother, perform necessary tests and monitor the development of the fetus. Ultrasounds, blood tests, and other screening tests are performed during pregnancy. Early diagnosis and management of complications that may arise during pregnancy is ensured.

Birth and Postpartum Care: Gynecologists manage the birth process and ensure that the mother and baby are born healthy. They perform various birth methods such as normal birth, cesarean birth and emergency birth interventions. During the postpartum period, it monitors the health status of the mother and baby and provides the necessary care and treatments. They provide recommendations for managing postpartum complications and supporting the mother’s recovery process.

Infertility Treatment: Gynecologists also provide services regarding infertility evaluation and treatment. Various treatment methods and assisted reproductive techniques are applied to increase couples’ chances of having children. They provide counseling and treatment regarding intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and other assisted reproductive techniques.

Menopause Management: Obstetricians provide treatment and counseling services to manage the symptoms experienced by women during menopause. Hormonal treatments, lifestyle changes and other treatment options help relieve menopausal symptoms.

Pelvic Surgery: Gynecologists also perform surgical treatment of disorders in the pelvic area. Surgical treatment of myomas, endometriosis, cysts and other pelvic problems is performed by experts. In addition, surgical interventions related to the uterus and ovaries are among the duties of gynecologists.

What is the name given to a gynecologist?

An obstetrician is often called a “gynecologist” or “obstetrician.” Gynecologist refers to doctors who specialize in women’s reproductive health and gynecology, while the term obstetrician refers to doctors who specialize in pregnancy, birth and postpartum care. Because these specialties are often intertwined, obstetricians are also called “gynecologist-obstetricians” or “gynecologists and obstetricians.” Obstetricians are doctors who are trained in both gynecological and obstetric fields and have in-depth knowledge and experience in these subjects.

Gynecologist Prices 2025

Prices for obstetrician services may vary depending on the type of treatment and service to be provided, the region where the healthcare facility is located, and the doctor’s level of experience and expertise. Costs of obstetrician services for 2025 may vary between countries and regions.

Routine Gynecological Examinations and Screening Tests: Routine gynecological examinations and pap smear tests are generally lower cost. These services are offered as part of annual checkups and general health screenings and can be covered by most health insurance companies.

Pregnancy Follow-up and Prenatal Care: Regular checks, ultrasonographies and necessary tests during the pregnancy constitute pregnancy follow-up and prenatal care costs. The cost of these services may vary depending on the length of pregnancy and the number of tests performed. Pregnancy follow-up in private clinics or hospitals may be more expensive than in public hospitals.

Birth Costs: Normal birth and cesarean birth costs vary depending on the health institution where the birth takes place and the birth method. Cesarean births generally cost more than natural births. Additional services such as epidural anesthesia during labor can also increase costs. Births in private hospitals may be more expensive than in public hospitals.

Infertility Treatment: Infertility treatments, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and other assisted reproductive techniques, can be costly. The cost of these treatments varies depending on the techniques used, the treatment process, and the services offered by the healthcare facility.

Menopause Management and Other Treatments: Management of menopause symptoms, hormonal therapies, and other specialized treatments can also be costly. The cost of these treatments varies depending on the duration of treatment, medications used and the services offered by the healthcare facility.

Surgical Interventions: Pelvic surgery, surgical treatment of fibroids, endometriosis, and other pelvic problems can also be costly. The cost of surgical interventions varies depending on the type of surgery, the complexity of the surgery, and the healthcare facility where the surgery is performed.

For individuals with health insurance, some or all of the obstetrician’s services may be covered by insurance. For uninsured patients, treatment costs may be higher. It is important to obtain information about costs before treatment and compare prices offered by different healthcare institutions. It is also necessary to take into account the additional costs that may arise during pregnancy and birth. Therefore, it is important to consider health insurance coverage and potential costs when planning a pregnancy.